Friday, October 30, 2015

St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #4 : I Have A Little Lantern

Yet another Lantern Fest / St Martin's Song that I wrote a couple of years ago!

This time the melody is Have You Ever Seen A Lassie?  Another song known by many and easy to find music for.  

I Have A Little Lantern nice and repetitive so this is a good one for younger children.  One again I haven't added the guitar chords to this song text because it is easy enough to find ones you like on the Internet.  I also haven't added a sound file because I hope it will be easy enough to sing.

The lyrics can be found here.  I hope you enjoy singing this one as much as my kids enjoy it!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #3 : How Many Candles

This is another Lantern Fest / St Martin's Song that I kind of wrote a couple of years ago called How Many Candles. 

I came across a song about candles to the tune of Frere Jaques.  So I didn't have the idea for this one all on my own but this definitely isn't the same song I found online.  

The melody is very easy and one that every child knows and a song that is sung in many languages.  You can even sing this one with younger children and have them repeat the words after you.  Making it a lot easier for them to learn.  Also if you have older children you can split them into groups, boy vs girl, for instance and have them since each part after each other.  

If you want to play an instrument with this one then I am pretty sure you already have the music or can find it very easily on the Internet.   The lyrics can be found here.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #2 : Twinkle, Twinkle, Kids So Bright

Here is another Lantern Fest / St Martin's Song that I wrote a couple of years ago.

There are only so many times you can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for Lantern Fest but I do really like the song.  While learning to play the guitar this was one of the tunes I used to practice and one day this song came to me.  

Twinkle, Twinkle, Kids So Bright is sung to the traditional song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  I haven't added the guitar chords to this song text because it is easy enough to find ones you like on the Internet.  I also haven't added a sound file because I hope it will be easy enough to sing.

The lyrics can be found here.   I hope this song gets some good use!  So far my kids haven't been too enthusiastic about singing it ;)

Monday, October 26, 2015

St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #1 : Today is St Martin's Night

For anyone teaching English in Austria and Germany the Laternenfest (Lantern Festival) is a bit of a pain.  We don't have anything like this festival so there is a huge lack of songs you can sing.  Which means you can't really join in with this really pretty event.

There are only so many times you can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star before you and the kids get bored.  Also the parents will think you are lazy.   However over the years I have pieced together some songs for the fest and also written some of my own.

Here is one I wrote this year especially for Lantern Fest.  Today is St Martin's Night can be sung with actions.  The children (maybe better with the older ones) can raise their lanterns high, low, to the left, right etc.  You will have to practice this before hand but it may be worth it!

The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here.   The chords are pretty easy with only G C and D7.  You can listen to a recording of Today is St Martin's Night below.  A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Birthday Songs #1 - The Pirate Birthday Song

Happy Birthday To You is your typical Birthday song no matter how young or old the person celebrating is on their special day.  However it gets boring and it seems strange that there aren't more Birthday songs.  More ways to sing your wishes.  This is one of the reasons I decided to come up with my own birthday song.

The Pirate Birthday Song is a great way to sing something different and add the age of the child.  It is also a little longer than the traditional song and has a little more bounce to it.  If you have a pirate theme going on then it is a great way to strengthen it and if you don't then maybe you want to use it as a base for your Birthday celebrations with the kids.

The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here.   The chords are pretty easy with only G Am D and D7.  You can listen to a recording of The Pirate Birthday Song below.  A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Songs about the Body #1 - I Feel So Ill

Sorry it has been quiet around here this week but if you work with kids you will know that when one of the adults gets ill, all the kids are suddenly healthly.  Which is what happened to me this week.  My work colleague was ill and I had a nice full group of healthy kids!

So my evenings were spent catching up on things work wise or just relaxing.  Hopefully I will get back on track now.  Seeing as there are so many songs I have to share for the upcoming fests!

However keeping to the theme of being sick.  Here is my song I Feel So Ill.  The song is a little sarcastic and actually is more about the way kids (and even adults) will say anything to get out doing something or going somewhere.  You know those kids?  Moaning all morning then you finally give in and phone the parents and when they arrive the kid is dancing around?  Just wanted to go home?  ;)

Anyway, see if the children get the hidden meaning in this song while they learn their ailments in English.  I have only sung this one in a small group so far but the kids enjoyed it and thought it was catchy.  They also liked the song because it was a little faster than usual.  Challenging.

The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here.   There is also a recording of I Feel So Ill to listen to below.  A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Good Morning Songs #3 - Hello Everyone

Do you remember that song by Boney M?  Brown Girl in the Ring?  Well this next Good Morning song uses that melodie.  I actually got the idea from a book I looked through and then wrote the song to fit my needs.

The song is called 'Hello Everyone' and it is a nice easy one that is repetitive and therefore very good for younger children.  Feel free to change things around.  For instance I usually sing 'Hello to the Purple Group' instead of the 'whole group'.  Of course changing that around depends on your group/class name.

Here is a link to the Guitar Chords.  My copy of the song doesn't have the chords on it because I wrote them on to the print out of the lyrics afterwards.

If you come up with some new verses then please share them in the comments!!  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Books : Halloween #3

Halloween is getting closer and it may be too late to get hold of these books but you can check your local library for copies or make sure you have copies for next year.

Actually the next three books, all from the same author, can be read/used all year around.  They just fit into the Halloween theme and because the kids love them so much I would end up reading them everyday if I didn't associate them to Halloween.  Cheeky and crafty of me but anyone who has had to read the same book over and over again will admire my trickery!

Nick Sharratt was unknown to me until I came across a copy of his funny book 'Ketchup on Your Cornflakes'.  The style of the book was new to me but a huge hit.  Turn the bottom half of the page or the top half of the page to make funny combinations that get the kids talking.

So when I saw the author had more books on offer I picked up a couple and here are the three that you can use for Halloween.

The Foggy Foggy Forest is an easy to read book where the kids have to decide what the shadows are in the foggy forest.

First you have the silhouette and then the full colour picture.  However there are some twists and it may even be an Ogre doing Yoga....

The complicated English terms are easily translated by the children due to the lovely illustrations which means this book teaches some new English words without you having to do anything but read out loud.  Not a story book but still a great book to have in your teaching library.

I mentioned before that Nick Sharratt's 'Ketchup on Your Cornflakes' is a book made up of two halves.  Well A Cheese and Tomato Spider is in the same style.

This time around the spiders legs or head are mixed up with everyday items such as an ice-cream or as the title suggests, cheese and tomato.  Hilarious combinations that will make any kid laugh are hidden inside this well thought out book.  I can only admire the idea and hope that the author thinks up many more of these combination books because they are a huge hit!

The third and last book I want to recommend is What's in the Witch's Kitchen.  While some of the content may be a little harder for younger learners of the English language, the illustrations are so well done that you will find it easy to explain.

The fun thing about this book is the 'Magic Pictures'!  Open the fridge in one direction and there is one item but open the fridge in the other direction and you are in for a spooky surprise!

This is a must have for Halloween and another fun read from Nick Sharratt.  I haven't checked out all of his books yet but this is an author who goes out of his way to make learning funny and if you are teaching English to kids then you will know that humour always works!

Do you have any book recommendations?  Feel free to comment below and let me know!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Halloween Songs #4 : Lots of Little Ghosts

Here is another Halloween song for your collection.  It is actually about rain but see if the kids figure that out for themselves ;)

Lots of Little Ghosts came to me on a rainy day while looking through a German songbook.  There was a song about a hundred ghosts and something about rain then I started writing.

This is a lovely moody song for Halloween but also a great song for those rainy days when you just want to curl up and hide.  Make sure you sing quietly when the ghosts aren't making a sound and get a little louder when they give you a fright!  Also let the kids hide around the room during the chorus or just hide behind their hands.  Be creative and make the song even more fun to sing!

The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here.   There is also a recording of Lots of Little Ghosts to listen to below.  A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lantern/St Martins Fest : Arts & Crafts #2

Here is another Lantern idea for St Martins!

One year we made lanterns that could stand up by adding one half of a round cheese box (the kind where you get the triangles of soft cheese spread inside) to the bottom before the newspaper/paste process.  Instead of using newspaper but coloured tissue paper.  Now this is much easier because you don't need to paint the lanterns after but you will need gloves because the colour does stick stain the skin a little.

The lanterns had a lovely shape and the tissue paper was thinly applied so the light could shine through.  We decorated them with glitter and beads.  We also needed to reinforce the opening with coloured card otherwise it collapsed and was also too weak for the handle.  What was also very practical about these lanterns was that they could be left somewhere to dry.  We didn't have to hang them up because they had a base that wasn't wet.  Really pretty and one of my favourites.

Don't forget to add a metal wire or some kind of grip for the kids to carry the lantern.  Tip : For younger kids or just for comfort, use a pipe cleaner as a handle.  Much softer!  

We only use battery powered candles and I definitely wouldn't use real ones in this kind of lantern.  It is very flammable! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween Songs #3 : The Halloween Song

For a lot of kids (and adults) Halloween is all about dressing up.  The chance to be something else for a day, to put on a costume, make-up or maybe even a wig!  It is always fun to decide and make/buy an outfit and be different.

The Halloween Song is just about that.  Wanting to be something else and being able to finally dress up.  All about the various choices and having a chance to celebrate Halloween.

I wrote this one myself and hope you enjoy the song.  Feel free to change the Halloween items to fit your needs.  I am sure I have missed some monster or creature!  This is a great song to learn all the possible creepy scary beings you can be for Halloween.

The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here.   There is also a recording of The Halloween Song to listen to below.  A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lantern/St Martin's Arts & Crafts #1

Lantern Fest otherwise known as St Martins is celebrated every November in Austrian Kindergartens.  For years it was a festival I couldn't relate to because I had never heard of it before moving here and working in a Kindergarten.

There are no songs in English I could use except Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and not much else I could offer in English except some stories about it being light and dark.  However over the years I have written my own songs and even made some lanterns.  Here are a couple of my lanterns...

Star Lanterns

These lanterns are really easy to make if you like working with paper mache.  Collect those free newspapers and get yourself some wallpaper paste and you are off to a good start.

I used balloons to get the right shape and if you have something flat to stick to the bottom (round cheese boxes are good) before adding the paper mache then they will stand up on their own.  Otherwise you will have to make a dent in the bottom when they are dry.

This can be a messy project but it is a lot of fun for the kids and they love getting their hands into the wallpaper paste.  I hung the covered balloons on a piece of wool to let them dry and if you can make these on a Friday and leave them over the weekend you won't have to put up with them hanging around all over the room.

The kids picked which colour to paint the lanterns once they were dry and the balloon had been taken out.  I then cut off the top added a metal handle.  We only use LED candles nowadays so there is no way the kids are burning themselves.

Because St Martins is also about sharing I cut five stars out of each lantern.  I placed them all in a box and each child was allowed to pick five stars out of the box to glue onto their lantern.  So we all shared a part of our lantern with others.

Pumpkin Lantern

Halloween and Lantern Fest are pretty close together so this is a nice time saving lantern to make.

It is the same lantern as above but made into a pumpkin.  You can make them for Halloween and then use them for Lantern Fest and save yourself a lot of hassle and stress.

You can make the pumpkin for Halloween and then in the days up until Lantern fest you can 'pimp' him up a little by adding some glitter or even changing his face.  You can also cut a second face on the back of the lantern.  There are many possibilities.  Just take a few moments to think about it.

Traditional Lantern

The traditional lanterns you see here are made of the round boxes you get cheese triangles in.  You either save them up all year or order them with the paper that fits the boxes.

There are so many ways you can decorate the lanterns and I have seen so many different ones over the years.  However this is one I made a couple of years ago that I really liked.

First we got two kids who wanted to 'share' their lanterns with each other and they picked two coloured (you can pick more if you want but we didn't want to go overboard) wax crayons and sharpened them. The kids collected the shavings and put them between their two transparent waxy like papers (you can order to make your lanterns).  The using a clothes iron I melted the wax between the two papers.  Now you can also use one piece of lantern paper and baking paper but that seems a little wasteful when you have so many kids ;)

This makes some wonderful patterns but it seemed a little boring and easy for our older kids.  So using black paper the kids made a 'street' silhouette, cut out some windows and added colourful tissue paper.  The result is what you see in the picture above.

Each one was different and unique.  The kids loved them and the parents commented on them too.  It wasn't easy and there were a lot of steps but it was well worth it to see them glowing on St Marins!

Do you have any Lantern Arts & crafts ideas you want to share? 
Feel free to add them in the comments section!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Good Morning Songs #2 : Every Morning When I Wake Up

As I previously posted, I like to start my Morning circles with a Good Morning song.  I have managed to build up a little collection over the last couple of years and this next one I am sharing is one I wrote myself.

Every Morning When I Wake Up was one of those songs that just happened.  I can't remember why I thought of it but most likely I was playing the guitar chords and the words just came along.
There are a few nice things about this Every Morning When I Wake Up .  Firstly it is easy to play if you play the guitar.  It is only two chords D & G and it can be played as fast or slow as you want.  A great song for beginners and for people who aren't used to using the guitar when singing with children.

The other good thing about Every Morning When I Wake Up is that it is all about your morning routine.  So you are teaching the kids a variety of new words to do with getting up in the morning.  You can add a new verse each week and talk about each one individually.  How brushing your teeth is important, eating breakfast is healthy or even learning how to tie your own shoelaces!

Every Morning When I Wake Up is also a great song for younger children because it is repetitive with only a couple of words changing each verse.  Feel free to add your own verses if your daily routine is different.  Maybe you walk to Nursery?  Maybe you shower each morning?  I am always adapting songs to suit my needs and encourage others too as well.

Add actions to the song to make it more fun.  It isn't hard to come up with some for this song and the actions practically jump out of the song.  Oh and the 'It goes lala' Part...try mixing it up a little each verse.  When you are brushing your teeth you can sing it like your mouth is full.  Maybe sing it higher, lower, slower or faster.  Go with the flow and after all your know what your kids like.  Maybe just clapping and stamping is more their thing.

I have had a lot of success with this song and hope other will too.  The text and guitar chords for Every Morning When I Wake Up can be found here!  There is also a sound file below so you can have a listen to what the song sounds like.  Sorry for the bad is just me recording via my phone! ;)

If you come up with some new verses then please share them in the comments!!  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Halloween Arts & Crafts #4

One of the most important things to make for Halloween is a Trick or Treat Bag to collect the sweets ;)  Every year I try and make something a little different or unusual and here are a few of my past successes!

Pumpkin Bags

This is a messy one but really fun for kids who need or like that kind of thing.  First you need some paper bags.  We bought ours but there are some shops that have plain bags that you can collect.  You can even ask a shop for free bags even if they have a logo on one side.  They may actually be happy for the free advertisement.

To make the pumpkin you need some wool.  I used a wool that was mainly orange but had streaks of yellow and green in it.  You can't see it very well in the picture above but it looked really cool.  You could use lots of different colours if you want but after all the classic pumpkin is orange ;)

Help the kids draw a pumpkin shape in pencil on the bag.  Otherwise you will just have a mess that will resemble a smashed pumpkin ;)  Then dunk strips of wool into a watery glue (Marvin) mixture and lay them on the bag and leave them to dry.  Tip : Don't mix the glue with too much water because it will just get the bag very wet and will take longer to dry.

When the pumpkin is dry all you need to do is cut out some eyes, a nose and mouth and maybe a little green stalk.  All done!

I am pretty sure that wallpaper paste would also work.  An easier and less messy version would be to just put glue on the bag and let the kids add the wool but that isn't as much fun ;)

Black Cat Boxes

This is one of my favourite ideas up until now and it all came about because I didn't want to throw my Whiskas cat treat boxes away.  They looked too cool to just put in the bin and so I kept collecting them and hoped that one day I would have a use for them.  Then Halloween came along and my moment came!

Of course if you aren't a cat owner you won't have access to these boxes but maybe you know someone who does or you can even ask the parents.  The boxes are pink but I took off the labels and we painted them black.  Be careful what paint you use for this.  A lot of paints will just flake off so I used an Acrylic paint.

When the paint was dry we added wiggly eyes, tissue paper ears and nose, black bast for the whiskers and painted on a mouth.  The cat also got a nice black pipe cleaner tail which you can just about see on the side.

The result was better than I expected and the kids loved having their own witch's cat!  They even called them 'Wilburs' like the cat from their favourite series, Winnie the Witch.

Please note that these boxes are not very big and will not hold a lot of sweets.  This is good for us because we only give out a certain amount which fit in this box nicely.  There is a bigger size but they aren't the kind my kitties prefer so make sure you collect the ones you really want.

Pumpkin Boxes

After making the cat boxes I decided to start collecting the cat treat boxes from a different company called Multi Fit.  They are round in shape and I hoped I would also find a use for them someday.  I love to recycle stuff if I can.  It is good for the kids to see that they don't always need something new and that old stuff can still be useful!

Anyway, with Halloween on the way I came up with this idea!  The Pumpkin box!  Really easy to make and I think they look pretty cool!

I just peeled off the labels and painted the box orange.  I used black moosgummi (foam rubber) to cut out the eyes, nose and mouth and then added a green pipe cleaner to the top.  Later I added some black stripes/markings with a permanent pen because it looked a little bland.  Now I think it looks great.

I didn't have to glue on the face because I added the pieces while the paint was still wet!  So maybe you want to get your kids to cut those pieces out before painting.

Once again these boxes aren't big but big enough for our treats.  You could also use other containers you have lying around.  Maybe there is a food product in your country that has the right shape?  Always be on the look out for things you can use again.

Do you have any Treat bags arts & crafts ideas you want to share? 
Feel free to add them in the comments section!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Autumn Arts & Crafts #2

Autumn is the best Season for Arts & Crafts because Mother Nature gives us so many cool and unusual materials to use!

Leaves, twigs, conkers and many more interesting items can be found and used in a variety of ways and here are just a couple of ideas!

Conker Shell Hedgehogs

First you will need some conkers shells so make sure your kids don't just throw them away and keep the prize inside! ;)  After all the shells are just as prickly and spiky as hedgehogs!  You will also need some modeling clay that air dries or salt dough (salzteig).  

This one is pretty easy and a lot of fun.  Just let the kids pick a conker shell and then let them add clay/dough legs, face and tail (not sure if hedgehogs have such long tails but the kids added it!)  To make the eyes and mouth you will need toothpicks/cocktail sticks but you can also use a sharp pencil.

Obviously the parts need some time to dry and sometimes you will need to add some glue if the clay/dough doesn't stay attached to the conker shell (some do...some don't...not sure why!)  But the end result is cute and it is always fun to see what kind of faces the children give their hedgehogs!

Conker People

I have seen lots of conker arts & crafts projects with conkers using toothpicks/cocktail sticks to make people or animals but they also fall apart so easily.  So one year I made these conker people.

The kids pick a conker and add some wool as hair and make a tiny hat out of paper.  The feet are also cut out and help keep the conker standing up when glued on.  Lastly a couple of eyes, nose and mouth complete the conker person.

Each one looks different because everyone used a different combination of colours.  Also this project used up all those bits and pieces of coloured paper and wool we had been saving up for this kind of rainy day activity.  Basically just recycling.  Hardly any hassle, no need to prepare anything and the most important thing, the kids loved it!

So enjoy a nice long Autumn walk with your kids and get collecting!  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Books : Song Books #1

There doesn't seem to be many English song books out there.  At least not original ones.  I can find a hundred different books with the typical 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' lyrics and even more with 'Head Shoulders Knees and Toes'.  So when I find something new it usually inspires me to write more songs of my own.

Detlev Jöcker is a well known German song writer/singer and has quite a lot of CDs under his belt.  He also compliments his CDs with books that contain the lyrics and guitar chords to his music.

I was given a copy of Start English With a Song many years ago but never thought of looking for a book.  It was only this last year that I came across his books and even found that there was a second English CD/Book from the same artist.

Some of the songs are big hits with my kids.  They love Mini Monsters and all the songs seem to be translations of the German versions so you can sing in both languages.  I have found some small mistakes in the language now and again but then again nobody is perfect.  The book also contains some great ideas for teaching the language (in German) so this is also a great book for teachers who don't speak English as a first language.

I can highly recommend both books just for the songs alone.  The guitar chords and ideas are just a nice bonus.  If you aren't very musical there are CDs that compliment the books but to be honest you really need both to enjoy them properly.

Learning English by Singing is supposed to be for older children but I have used some of the songs with my Kindergarten kids.  So don't be put off by the 'Ab 7 Jahren'.

You can check out Detlev Jöcker's website for more information about his books but I advise buying your copies from or Medimops.  Both have cheaper options for buying the books & CDs.

Do you have any song book recommendations?  Something different or something new?  Please feel free to share your discoveries in the comments section of this post.  They may even be new for me! ;)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Good Morning Songs #1 : Good Morning To You

I like to start my Morning circles with a Good Morning song.  I got into this habit because that is exactly what my German speaking colleagues would do.

At first I couldn't find anything suitable but over the years I made up my own and translated some I already knew.  Good Morning To You is one of those translated songs.  I have no idea who the original composer was and can't credit the melody to being my own but the lyrics are mine but are basically a direct translation.  This doesn't work very often when changing songs over from German to English so I was really happy with this one.

Some teachers like to have a song that can be sung in both languages so this is a good example.  If anyone wants the German version then please comment or send me a message and I will add the lyrics.

The song is a great way to start the day and you can use as many different actions as you want and therefore sing the song as many times as you want.  It is always good to get the kids awake and this song will do that!  Jump, stamp, clap, hug or even run around!  You decide or even ask the kids for their input maybe get some new ideas.

The text and guitar chords for Good Morning To You can be found here!  There is also a sound file below so you can have a listen to what the song sounds like.  Sorry for the bad is just me recording via my phone! ;)

If you come up with some new verses then please share them in the comments!!  

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Halloween Songs #2

There are so many great songs you can sing during the Halloween season.  These songs are not written by me but are songs I found over the years that you may have even seen somewhere else.  Of course I may have adapted them slightly by changing words around but I won't call them my own.

The Ghost in The House is sung to the tune 'The Wheels on the Bus'.  A song that is well known and easy to find guitar chords for if you want to play along.  You can make up your own verses with the children or prepare some of your own before singing the song with them.  Try and come up with some actions to make this one more fun for the kids.

If You're a Witch is a Halloween song sung to the tune of 'If you are Happy and You Know it'.  A song everyone knows.  There are so many variations of guitar chords for this one that you really need to find ones you are happy with.  Some are harder than others or just plain complicated while some don't quite sound right.

You can also make up your own verses for this song.  Ask the children what other creepy things they can be and what sounds they make.  You can also use actions or just strange noises.  Try and keep things funny.  Kids always like funny!

I'm Not Afraid is a nice chanting song.  I am pretty sure the melody I use is similar to something else I have heard but right now I can't remember what.  However this is a nice one to chant.  Maybe make up actions that involve stamping, clapping or slapping your legs in time to the chant.  Make up new verses with the children to get them involved and interested.

Lastly, my favourite and a favourite of all the kids I have taught over the years is, The Witch on Halloween.  This is sung to the melody for 'The Farmer's in the Dell'.  Feel free to swap out the characters in this one.  Maybe you are making pumpkins or vampires so use them in the song instead.

This is one is particularly good song for the kids to play along with.  Sit in a circle and pick a Witch.  As you sing her verse she goes around in the center of the circle.  When you finish singing 'wants a cat', the child/witch can then pick herself a cat to go with her.  This continues until you have five children in the middle.  At the end the five go around and scare the rest of the children.  The last person picked (in my version the spider) gets to pick the next witch.

A tip :  If you have 20 kids playing then make sure you leave this song with five rounds so nobody gets left out.  Adapt the song if you have more or less kids.  For example, if I had a full group of all 24 kids I would play the song four times and have 6 verses.  Then all the kids would get a turn.  Make sure they don't pick someone that has already played along.

Another tip : Make headbands/crowns with the characters on or have a witches hat etc.    Then the kids can dress up as they play/sing!

Are there any songs you enjoy singing for Halloween?  Feel free to share!  

Friday, October 2, 2015

Halloween Arts & Crafts #3

It is finally October and I am really excited about making more Ghoulish crafts!

Every year I try and do something new but there are certain items that I like to make again and again because they just look so good.  Sometimes I have to make something new because I have some of the children two years running.  They would be annoyed if I made the same thing with them two years in a row.  Sure it would be boring for them as well!

Anyway, here are some more of my past attempts ;)

Origami bats are fun to make but aren't easy.  The younger kids had some problems with this craft but I am sure there are easier and harder levels of folding to make a bat.

They make great decorations for the room and it is really fun to see what kinds of faces the kids draw on them.

Handprints and fingerprints can be transformed into the cutest animals as well as monsters and ghosts.  An online search will help your creativity.

In the one picture you will see some creepy fingerprints.  These figures were made to compliment the song lyrics we were singing.  The handprint ghosts were certainly spooky.  Good for your kids portfolio as well as hanging on the wall.

Spiders webs are difficult to make but they really look good.  You need a hoop of some kind.  Then you have to tighten at least 4 pieces of wool/string across the hoop (dividing it like a sliced pizza!).  Then you weave a final, longer, piece of string around the previously added strings.  

You can also make a spider out of coloured pipe cleaners to hang on your spiders web.  Add some wiggly eyes to make them look a little less scary!

I have a couple of more ideas to share with you!  They will be posted soon!  If you have any input or questions then please feel free to post in the comments section!