Friday, October 9, 2015

Good Morning Songs #2 : Every Morning When I Wake Up

As I previously posted, I like to start my Morning circles with a Good Morning song.  I have managed to build up a little collection over the last couple of years and this next one I am sharing is one I wrote myself.

Every Morning When I Wake Up was one of those songs that just happened.  I can't remember why I thought of it but most likely I was playing the guitar chords and the words just came along.
There are a few nice things about this Every Morning When I Wake Up .  Firstly it is easy to play if you play the guitar.  It is only two chords D & G and it can be played as fast or slow as you want.  A great song for beginners and for people who aren't used to using the guitar when singing with children.

The other good thing about Every Morning When I Wake Up is that it is all about your morning routine.  So you are teaching the kids a variety of new words to do with getting up in the morning.  You can add a new verse each week and talk about each one individually.  How brushing your teeth is important, eating breakfast is healthy or even learning how to tie your own shoelaces!

Every Morning When I Wake Up is also a great song for younger children because it is repetitive with only a couple of words changing each verse.  Feel free to add your own verses if your daily routine is different.  Maybe you walk to Nursery?  Maybe you shower each morning?  I am always adapting songs to suit my needs and encourage others too as well.

Add actions to the song to make it more fun.  It isn't hard to come up with some for this song and the actions practically jump out of the song.  Oh and the 'It goes lala' Part...try mixing it up a little each verse.  When you are brushing your teeth you can sing it like your mouth is full.  Maybe sing it higher, lower, slower or faster.  Go with the flow and after all your know what your kids like.  Maybe just clapping and stamping is more their thing.

I have had a lot of success with this song and hope other will too.  The text and guitar chords for Every Morning When I Wake Up can be found here!  There is also a sound file below so you can have a listen to what the song sounds like.  Sorry for the bad is just me recording via my phone! ;)

If you come up with some new verses then please share them in the comments!!  

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