Christmas Trees
This isn't a hard one but it is a fun one to make. Nothing special but it gives the kids something to make for Christmas and to take home.
Either collect Ice Lolly sticks or buy them from a craft shop. If you are lucky they will have coloured ones. If not then you will just have to get the kids to paint them before hand.
One stick is needed for the 'trunk' of the tree and at least two more to cut/snap as the branches. Use glitter, stickers, paints, pens....whatever you want to decorate your tree. Be creative or just let the kids decide from a bunch of different items.
St Nick Sacks
Here in Austria we celebrate St Nikolaus on the 6th of December. So this is really for this particular fest. However you could use the same idea for Santa Claus as well.
If you are having a Christmas event where the kids will get to collect sweets & fruit like a stocking then this is a nice craft idea.
The sacks were ordered from a craft catalogue and the rest is just pieces of paper and felt we had left lying around. Oh and come cotton wool.
This may also be a nice way to pack up presents for the parents or maybe you can think of something else you can use it for. They definitely look good hanging up around the room before Christmas.
Paper Stars

This is a very easy one but a nice item to make on one of those rainy/snowy Winter days. They look nice hanging around the room and you can use up your left overs or splash out for some cool shiny paper if you want.
Draw the star on some coloured paper and let the children cut them out themselves. Wind some glittery thread or ribbon around the star and add some shiny stones or whatever you have lying around.
These are easy and quick to make. You can make them as simple or as extravagant as you want. Use your imagination or better yet, make a sample, show the kids and then let them create their own! You may be surprised at the ideas they have!