Friday, October 16, 2015

Books : Halloween #3

Halloween is getting closer and it may be too late to get hold of these books but you can check your local library for copies or make sure you have copies for next year.

Actually the next three books, all from the same author, can be read/used all year around.  They just fit into the Halloween theme and because the kids love them so much I would end up reading them everyday if I didn't associate them to Halloween.  Cheeky and crafty of me but anyone who has had to read the same book over and over again will admire my trickery!

Nick Sharratt was unknown to me until I came across a copy of his funny book 'Ketchup on Your Cornflakes'.  The style of the book was new to me but a huge hit.  Turn the bottom half of the page or the top half of the page to make funny combinations that get the kids talking.

So when I saw the author had more books on offer I picked up a couple and here are the three that you can use for Halloween.

The Foggy Foggy Forest is an easy to read book where the kids have to decide what the shadows are in the foggy forest.

First you have the silhouette and then the full colour picture.  However there are some twists and it may even be an Ogre doing Yoga....

The complicated English terms are easily translated by the children due to the lovely illustrations which means this book teaches some new English words without you having to do anything but read out loud.  Not a story book but still a great book to have in your teaching library.

I mentioned before that Nick Sharratt's 'Ketchup on Your Cornflakes' is a book made up of two halves.  Well A Cheese and Tomato Spider is in the same style.

This time around the spiders legs or head are mixed up with everyday items such as an ice-cream or as the title suggests, cheese and tomato.  Hilarious combinations that will make any kid laugh are hidden inside this well thought out book.  I can only admire the idea and hope that the author thinks up many more of these combination books because they are a huge hit!

The third and last book I want to recommend is What's in the Witch's Kitchen.  While some of the content may be a little harder for younger learners of the English language, the illustrations are so well done that you will find it easy to explain.

The fun thing about this book is the 'Magic Pictures'!  Open the fridge in one direction and there is one item but open the fridge in the other direction and you are in for a spooky surprise!

This is a must have for Halloween and another fun read from Nick Sharratt.  I haven't checked out all of his books yet but this is an author who goes out of his way to make learning funny and if you are teaching English to kids then you will know that humour always works!

Do you have any book recommendations?  Feel free to comment below and let me know!

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