There are so many Christmas books out there to choose from but I have some favourites that I would like to share with you.
The first go to book each year is Father Christmas by Raymond Briggs. The book is set up like a cartoon but it is nice to look at with a smaller group of kids and ask them to make up the story or just ask them what they can see. You can tell them the story as you follow the cartoon strip like story but there isn't much text.
Don't be put off by the above! It is really a great story and it is really a nice read. The kids love it especially because Father Christmas isn't a big thing here so they don't know what he actually does. This book shows a typical Christmas Eve/Day for Santa and a British look at the holiday.
There is also a second part to the story which is actually the prequel. Father Christmas Goes on Holiday shows you what Santa does the rest of the year. After all he has a lot of time to waste in between one Christmas and the next.
What I really like about both of these books is the style. It may not be the best kind of book to read in a group/morning circle situation but it is nice to look at in a small group. I also love that the pictures really tell the story and the kids know what is happening even if they don't understand the English. Most books have great illustrations but they don't always tell the story well enough to look at the book without reading. These two books do.
Another plus is that there is a film of both books (joined together into one piece) and the kids love watching them. There is more language in the film and the story is changed around a little to make sure both books are fully shown. If you are lucky you can find a copy of the film which also has The Snowman on it. Another book/film by this author that is one of my favourites to watch with the kids and is from my childhood.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015
Christmas Songs #7 : The Snowman Dance
Some of you may recognise the melody. It is from a famous Elton John song so I have him to thank for the inspiration for this one :)
I am letting my kids sing and dance this one at our Christmas Concert. The Snowman Dance has got to be the #1 hit this year and as soon as I play the last note they start shouting 'Again!'.
The moves for the Snowman Dance should be self explanatory if you check out the lyrics. You can find the lyrics complete with the guitar chords here. You can also listen to a recording of The Snowman Dance below. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.
Oh and I recommend watching The Snowman (see pic). One of my fondest christmas memories as a child is watching this when it played on TV for the first time. I try and watch it every year with my kids at work. They always enjoy it despite the sad ending.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Christmas Songs #6 : Christmas Time is Here Again
So I wrote a song. Christmas Time is Here Again!
This is becoming a bit of a habit. I just hope that other people like my songs too. The songs are loved by my kids and this new one is no exception.
Christmas Time is Here Again! is simple, it's peppy and you can teach your kids some Christmas words. I add a sniff at the end of the first verse, a yum yum at the end of the second verse and a Hooray! at the end of the third verse. I also added an extra chorus at the end so the song could replace 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas'!
The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here. You can listen to a recording of Christmas Time is Here Again! below. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Christmas Songs #5 : 5 Little Christmas Trees
If you search for this one online you will find many a different version of this song/finger rhyme. You will also find some activity worksheets and other resources.
You may be wondering why I am posting about this one. After all I am trying to post original songs, mostly written by yours truly. However this is a song/finger rhyme that I have been using for years and it is always a crowd pleaser and the kids love it too. So I feel I have to add it to my list here as well.
Five Little Christmas Trees is one of those ones you can show off to the parents at the Christmas concert. Pick five kids to be the trees and get someone to play the ax. Sing it or just speak it. There is no wrong way to perform this one. Make it a little more peppy or change the words a little to suit your needs/tastes. Just have fun with it!
Here is my printable version of the text. I hope you and the kids enjoy it!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Christmas Songs #4 : Let it Snow
There are only three verses but it is much easier for them to sing and they really love it. I can't wait to play them the original version over the next few weeks.
Another great thing about the song Let it Snow is that the kids want to sing it all the time because they think it will actually snow if we sing it often enough. Cute and funny! I hope someone finds this song as much fun to sing with their kids as I do.
The lyrics can be found here. I don't have an audio file for this one because the melody is very well known. You can find guitar chords on many a website if you want to play along.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Christmas Arts & Crafts #2
Apologies for the radio silence. I have been fighting a cough and it has been winning. I will try and get more Christmas items posted asap because, well, it is nearly here already!
Christmas Trees
This isn't a hard one but it is a fun one to make. Nothing special but it gives the kids something to make for Christmas and to take home.
Either collect Ice Lolly sticks or buy them from a craft shop. If you are lucky they will have coloured ones. If not then you will just have to get the kids to paint them before hand.
One stick is needed for the 'trunk' of the tree and at least two more to cut/snap as the branches. Use glitter, stickers, paints, pens....whatever you want to decorate your tree. Be creative or just let the kids decide from a bunch of different items.
St Nick Sacks
Here in Austria we celebrate St Nikolaus on the 6th of December. So this is really for this particular fest. However you could use the same idea for Santa Claus as well.
If you are having a Christmas event where the kids will get to collect sweets & fruit like a stocking then this is a nice craft idea.
The sacks were ordered from a craft catalogue and the rest is just pieces of paper and felt we had left lying around. Oh and come cotton wool.
This may also be a nice way to pack up presents for the parents or maybe you can think of something else you can use it for. They definitely look good hanging up around the room before Christmas.
Paper Stars

This is a very easy one but a nice item to make on one of those rainy/snowy Winter days. They look nice hanging around the room and you can use up your left overs or splash out for some cool shiny paper if you want.
Draw the star on some coloured paper and let the children cut them out themselves. Wind some glittery thread or ribbon around the star and add some shiny stones or whatever you have lying around.
These are easy and quick to make. You can make them as simple or as extravagant as you want. Use your imagination or better yet, make a sample, show the kids and then let them create their own! You may be surprised at the ideas they have!
Christmas Trees
This isn't a hard one but it is a fun one to make. Nothing special but it gives the kids something to make for Christmas and to take home.
Either collect Ice Lolly sticks or buy them from a craft shop. If you are lucky they will have coloured ones. If not then you will just have to get the kids to paint them before hand.
One stick is needed for the 'trunk' of the tree and at least two more to cut/snap as the branches. Use glitter, stickers, paints, pens....whatever you want to decorate your tree. Be creative or just let the kids decide from a bunch of different items.
St Nick Sacks
Here in Austria we celebrate St Nikolaus on the 6th of December. So this is really for this particular fest. However you could use the same idea for Santa Claus as well.
If you are having a Christmas event where the kids will get to collect sweets & fruit like a stocking then this is a nice craft idea.
The sacks were ordered from a craft catalogue and the rest is just pieces of paper and felt we had left lying around. Oh and come cotton wool.
This may also be a nice way to pack up presents for the parents or maybe you can think of something else you can use it for. They definitely look good hanging up around the room before Christmas.
Paper Stars

This is a very easy one but a nice item to make on one of those rainy/snowy Winter days. They look nice hanging around the room and you can use up your left overs or splash out for some cool shiny paper if you want.
Draw the star on some coloured paper and let the children cut them out themselves. Wind some glittery thread or ribbon around the star and add some shiny stones or whatever you have lying around.
These are easy and quick to make. You can make them as simple or as extravagant as you want. Use your imagination or better yet, make a sample, show the kids and then let them create their own! You may be surprised at the ideas they have!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Christmas Songs #3 : Christmas Cookies
Once again the song was a lot longer that I needed for my kids and it was difficult. However their was that great catchy first verse. So I just used that one and came up with two other verses of my own!
This is a great song for the kids because after all, who doesn't like Christmas Cookies? I have already sung this one with my kids and they love it! It is nice and repetitive so they don't need to learn too much. I am sure it is going to be a favourite for years to come because I love playing it on the guitar too ;)
The lyrics can be found here. I don't have an audio file for this one but if anyone wants to hear my take on the song/my version then please feel free to post in the comments and let me know.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Christmas Arts & Crafts #1

Glue Stars
This is extremely easy to make and very nice to decorate the room or to give as presents.
All you need is baking paper, a glue gun and glitter.
Draw a star shape on the baking paper so the kids have a guide. Then use the glue gun (help the kids! This is hot stuff!) and trace the star using the glue. Then fill the star with glue strands.
Before the glue dries you can sprinkle glitter on the stars. They harden and get cool pretty quickly but make sure you check before letting the kids touch them. Brush off excess glitter somewhere you want glitter to fall ;) Then you can put them on a pretty ribbon and hang them up, hang them on the windows or pack them up as presents.
Nespresso Angels

You need a ball for the head. We used polystyrene balls but you can also use fimo or anything else that springs to mind.
The wings are made from feathers. You could also use tin foil, coloured paper or something else you have lying around. Be creative and try and recycle!
For the hair we used up some glitter pipe cleaners we had left over from something or other. Although this wasn't out first choice it was something we had and could spare. One of the good things about these angels is that we used stuff we just had left over from other projects.
The legs/feet were just thin ribbons. These went up through the capsule (the used capsules have holes already in the top) and ball and also served as the band to hang up the angels.
The children drew faces on the angels and each angel was so different from another. It was amazing. The capsules can also be coated with glitter for an extra Christmassy shine!
Make sure you prepare the capsules before hand and clean them! They start to smell otherwise. Also make sure that there are no sharp edges left over when you remove the foil on the capsule to empty out the coffee grinds. I have cut myself a couple of times and you don't want that to happen to the kids!
Snowmen Photo Holders
These cuties were Christmas Presents for the parents from the children.
The metal holders were ordered but you could also make them yourself if you really want to save money. The wire needs to be thick enough though.
The snowmen are made out of Fimo (I am sure you can use other modeling clays). A small ball for the head. Bigger ball for the body. Add a black hat, eyes and mouth. To make them look more colourful we added scarves.
Make these as big or small as you want. Make sure you have all the colours you need and let the kids choose from a variety of colours for the scarves.
Don't forget to make a hole in the snowman using one of the metal holders before you bake the fimo!! Otherwise you can't add the stand! The stand also needs a little glue to stay attached!
Add a photo to the presents! We took pictures of the children with a santa hat on. You can also use reindeer antlers etc.

Sunday, November 22, 2015
Christmas Songs #2 : Barefoot Santa Claus
This year I went back to the Internet to look for some new songs/inspiration and came across this
great site (with guitar chords), There were so many Christmas songs that I hadn't even heard of and quickly realised why. The site is dedicated to Country Music.
Anyway, I started to check out some of the songs and Barefoot Santa Claus caught my eye. It was a long song but fun so I adapted it to fit my needs. It is a nice up beat and catchy song although I will admit I haven't listened to the original version but just play it the way I want ;)
Barefoot Santa Claus is also a great song for a Morning Circle Game or Performance. Let the kids dress up as Santa and dance around. You just need something red, a black belt and a Christmas hat. I am sure they will love jumping around with barefeet! Or you can perform this at your Christmas event. Get a couple of kids to dress up as reindeer and stars to make this one all cute to watch!
I already sang this one with my kids and they love it. I hope to do the dressing up part with them too. The lyrics can be found here. I don't have an audio file for this one but if anyone wants to hear my take on the song/my version then please feel free to post in the comments and let me know.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Fun Songs #2 : The Friendship Dance

If you have a project about friendship or it is just a topic that needs some time in your group, The Friendship Dance is a great action sing-a-along. You sing a name and that child is allowed to stand up in the circle and dance. As you follow the lyrics, the child is then asked to pick a friend to dance with them. Those two dance together and take a bow to end their performance.
The Friendship Dance is a great action sing-a-long for Morning Circle or just a time filler. You can also use it as a way to cross over to other activities. For example if the kids have to go get dressed or lay the table you can always send the two kids who just took part in the dance off to do that when they are done. This means you don't have them all rushing off at once and it also means you won't have to sing the song as often ;)
If you don't have an even amount of children for this one and are left with three children. Just sing all of their names at the beginning and let them dance together. I usually sing, 'They don't need a friend today because they have each other'. Or something like that.
Oh and you may find this one to be a bit of an eye-opener! It is amazing to see which 'friends' the children pick to dance with. I have been surprised more than a few times and it is a great observation situation. If you use this one to cross over to another activity you can even be a little crafty and have a certain group of kids left over so they are forced to pick someone they wouldn't usually pick.
The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here. You can listen to a recording of The Friendship Dance below. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
St Nikolaus Songs #2 - Nicholas is Coming Soon!
If you have been teaching English to young children in a German speaking country then you have to know the typical Nikolaus songs. The old favourite is 'Lass Uns Froh und Munter Sein' and it can get quite annoying over the years ;)
I have seen many a translation for this traditional song but never found one that was actually nice enough to sing with the children in English. Most of the translations were direct word for word copies of the song that made no sense or they were poor attempts to make the song make sense but imho failed. So last year I set myself the challenge of making a better English version and I think the end product is something I can be proud.
My version is called Nicholas is Coming Soon and is sung to the melody of 'Lass Uns Froh and Munter Sein'. It misses out a couple of the many verses of the German version but incorporates the general gist of the song.
Nicholas is Coming Soon is easy to sing and you will find a lot of different guitar chords out there if you need them. Just pick the ones you like the best. If you haven't heard the song before then a simple google search of the German version will definitely find a video you can listen to ;)
The lyrics can be found here. I hope you find a place in your St Nicholas Fest for this one!
Monday, November 16, 2015
St Nikolaus Songs #1 - Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

Anyway, the next fest is nearly upon us and here in Austria it is Nikolaus. Celebrated on the 6th of December it is when the children get their 'stocking' or in this case 'boot' filled with goodies. I see it as a Christmas warm up ;)
Seeing as Nikolaus isn't an English celebration it is really hard to contribute anything in English. Over the years I have come to accept this and just offered up some Christmas or Winter songs.
However I came across the song Jolly Old Saint Nicholas last year. I am sure it must be a well known song but I had never heard of it before (not that I can remember anyway). So I decided this song could be useful in Kindergarten but didn't like all of the text. So I used some of the original lyrics and revised it a bit to suit my needs.
My version of Jolly Old St Nicholas can be sung to the same melody as the original so I haven't added a sound file because I hope it will be easy enough to sing. I am also sure a google search will help you find the guitar chords or various renditions of the song if you don't know it already.
The lyrics can be found here. I hope you enjoy singing this one!
Sunday, November 1, 2015
St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #4 & Christmas Songs #1 : The Star Children
You can make up some actions for The Star Children or just let the kids dance around as stars during the chorus....use your imagination! This song could be the highlight of a Christmas concert or just a nice song to sing with your star shaped lanterns.
The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here. The chords are not too difficult but you can listen to a recording of The Star Children below to hear how the melody goes. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough to get an idea how it should sound.
Friday, October 30, 2015
St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #4 : I Have A Little Lantern
This time the melody is Have You Ever Seen A Lassie? Another song known by many and easy to find music for.
I Have A Little Lantern nice and repetitive so this is a good one for younger children. One again I haven't added the guitar chords to this song text because it is easy enough to find ones you like on the Internet. I also haven't added a sound file because I hope it will be easy enough to sing.
The lyrics can be found here. I hope you enjoy singing this one as much as my kids enjoy it!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #3 : How Many Candles
I came across a song about candles to the tune of Frere Jaques. So I didn't have the idea for this one all on my own but this definitely isn't the same song I found online.
The melody is very easy and one that every child knows and a song that is sung in many languages. You can even sing this one with younger children and have them repeat the words after you. Making it a lot easier for them to learn. Also if you have older children you can split them into groups, boy vs girl, for instance and have them since each part after each other.
If you want to play an instrument with this one then I am pretty sure you already have the music or can find it very easily on the Internet. The lyrics can be found here.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #2 : Twinkle, Twinkle, Kids So Bright
There are only so many times you can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for Lantern Fest but I do really like the song. While learning to play the guitar this was one of the tunes I used to practice and one day this song came to me.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Kids So Bright is sung to the traditional song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I haven't added the guitar chords to this song text because it is easy enough to find ones you like on the Internet. I also haven't added a sound file because I hope it will be easy enough to sing.
The lyrics can be found here. I hope this song gets some good use! So far my kids haven't been too enthusiastic about singing it ;)
Monday, October 26, 2015
St Martin's / Lantern Fest Songs #1 : Today is St Martin's Night
There are only so many times you can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star before you and the kids get bored. Also the parents will think you are lazy. However over the years I have pieced together some songs for the fest and also written some of my own.
Here is one I wrote this year especially for Lantern Fest. Today is St Martin's Night can be sung with actions. The children (maybe better with the older ones) can raise their lanterns high, low, to the left, right etc. You will have to practice this before hand but it may be worth it!
The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here. The chords are pretty easy with only G C and D7. You can listen to a recording of Today is St Martin's Night below. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Birthday Songs #1 - The Pirate Birthday Song
The Pirate Birthday Song is a great way to sing something different and add the age of the child. It is also a little longer than the traditional song and has a little more bounce to it. If you have a pirate theme going on then it is a great way to strengthen it and if you don't then maybe you want to use it as a base for your Birthday celebrations with the kids.
The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here. The chords are pretty easy with only G Am D and D7. You can listen to a recording of The Pirate Birthday Song below. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone/computer so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Songs about the Body #1 - I Feel So Ill
So my evenings were spent catching up on things work wise or just relaxing. Hopefully I will get back on track now. Seeing as there are so many songs I have to share for the upcoming fests!
However keeping to the theme of being sick. Here is my song I Feel So Ill. The song is a little sarcastic and actually is more about the way kids (and even adults) will say anything to get out doing something or going somewhere. You know those kids? Moaning all morning then you finally give in and phone the parents and when they arrive the kid is dancing around? Just wanted to go home? ;)
Anyway, see if the children get the hidden meaning in this song while they learn their ailments in English. I have only sung this one in a small group so far but the kids enjoyed it and thought it was catchy. They also liked the song because it was a little faster than usual. Challenging.
The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here. There is also a recording of I Feel So Ill to listen to below. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Good Morning Songs #3 - Hello Everyone

The song is called 'Hello Everyone' and it is a nice easy one that is repetitive and therefore very good for younger children. Feel free to change things around. For instance I usually sing 'Hello to the Purple Group' instead of the 'whole group'. Of course changing that around depends on your group/class name.
Here is a link to the Guitar Chords. My copy of the song doesn't have the chords on it because I wrote them on to the print out of the lyrics afterwards.
If you come up with some new verses then please share them in the comments!!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Books : Halloween #3
Actually the next three books, all from the same author, can be read/used all year around. They just fit into the Halloween theme and because the kids love them so much I would end up reading them everyday if I didn't associate them to Halloween. Cheeky and crafty of me but anyone who has had to read the same book over and over again will admire my trickery!

So when I saw the author had more books on offer I picked up a couple and here are the three that you can use for Halloween.
The Foggy Foggy Forest is an easy to read book where the kids have to decide what the shadows are in the foggy forest.
First you have the silhouette and then the full colour picture. However there are some twists and it may even be an Ogre doing Yoga....

I mentioned before that Nick Sharratt's 'Ketchup on Your Cornflakes' is a book made up of two halves. Well A Cheese and Tomato Spider is in the same style.
This time around the spiders legs or head are mixed up with everyday items such as an ice-cream or as the title suggests, cheese and tomato. Hilarious combinations that will make any kid laugh are hidden inside this well thought out book. I can only admire the idea and hope that the author thinks up many more of these combination books because they are a huge hit!

The fun thing about this book is the 'Magic Pictures'! Open the fridge in one direction and there is one item but open the fridge in the other direction and you are in for a spooky surprise!
This is a must have for Halloween and another fun read from Nick Sharratt. I haven't checked out all of his books yet but this is an author who goes out of his way to make learning funny and if you are teaching English to kids then you will know that humour always works!
Do you have any book recommendations? Feel free to comment below and let me know!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Halloween Songs #4 : Lots of Little Ghosts
Lots of Little Ghosts came to me on a rainy day while looking through a German songbook. There was a song about a hundred ghosts and something about rain then I started writing.
This is a lovely moody song for Halloween but also a great song for those rainy days when you just want to curl up and hide. Make sure you sing quietly when the ghosts aren't making a sound and get a little louder when they give you a fright! Also let the kids hide around the room during the chorus or just hide behind their hands. Be creative and make the song even more fun to sing!
The lyrics complete with the guitar chords can be found here. There is also a recording of Lots of Little Ghosts to listen to below. A reminder : This is just me being recorded by a phone so it is not the best quality but hopefully enough for you to hear the melody.
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